Mi Casa Es Su Casa

What day of the week is it? In Spanish, the days of the week are not capitalized as they are in English and are all masculine.

El lunes (Monday)
El martes (Tuesday)
El miércoles (Wednesday)
El jueves (Thursday)
El sábado (Saturday)
El domingo (Sunday)

Los meses (the months) are also not capitalized. Enero (January), febrero (February), marzo (March), abril (April), mayo (May), junio (June), julio (July), agosto (August), septiembre (September), octubre (October), noviembre (November) and deciembre (December).


What event in the Annapolis area are you most looking forward to in 2006?

Powerboat Show
Sailboat Show
Renaissance Festival
Seafood Festival
County Fair

Additional comments ?

Last time we asked, "How many past issues of Inside Annapolis Magazine do you have? " Out of all the responses, we found that most of our readers keep at least 3 issues of Inside Annapolis Magazine around the house, but a couple of our readers have over several years of issues! We're glad to hear that so many of you stay with us!

Thanks to all those that voted!

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