Annapolis Editions

Religious fanaticism and intolerance are perhaps the greatest evils afflictling the human race. Most of the violence in the world today and throughout history has been caused by major religions trying to exterminate those who don’t share the same beliefs. In this eye-opening memoir, Severna park author Jerome Tuccille shares the story of his intensely personal struggle with the Roman Catholic Church. After turning in an essay on the Virgin Birth that claimed the Catholic church dehumanized women, Tuccille is denounced as a heretic by the dean of a Catholic college. As a result, he abandons the religion of his youth and embarks on a global odyssey, leading to a life of decadence and trancendental discovery. Available online at and wherever fine books are sold.

Come aboard a Submarine and explore! While her husband was a lieutenant on board the USS Connecticut, Annapolis author Jeni Kocher Zerphy realized that she had a great topic for a children’s book. Submarine takes children on a tour of a submarine and begins with a little boy asking, “Have you ever been on a submarine? It’s like nothing you have ever seen!” Children are invited to come inside and learn new concepts, meet lovable aquarium characters and enjoy the rhythmic flow of the story. Submarine is a fun, contextualized medium to enhance vocabulary and early word recognition. The illustrations are an integration of hand drawn originals and computer creations. Available at and the Annapolis Borders, and soon available from

William Faris’ mother sailed to America from England in 1729, bringing her infant son with her. They settled in Philadelphia and, in either 1756 or 1757, William relocated to the little town of Annapolis where he ran a thriving business as a clockmaker and silversmith. From 1792 to 1804, Faris kept a diary. Edited by Mark B. Letzer and Jean B. Russo, The Diary of William Faris reveals not only the current events of Annapolis and its environs but also the relationships Faris had with his fellow townspeople. Not only has this diary been transcribed for the first time, but the content of the individual essays will be of great interest to historians as well as those interested in the life and times of a significant Annapolitan of the past. Available through the Maryland Historical Society as well as online retailers.

Award-winning guitarist/songwriter/composer Dave Cipriani writes songs that reflect the intersection of Indian music, folk fingerpicking & country blues, classic jazz, post-punk rock and heartfelt singer-songwriter styles. He plays electric and classical guitars, 19-string Indian slide guitar, combining things in an organic, soulful way that brings the best each has to offer. His second album is America & Other Faraway Places,a solo guitar album. In addition to solo guitar and songwriter performances, he is focusing much of his time on his latest project, an semi-acoustic trio called Satabdi Express. He will go to India to study in the winter of 2007 for 2-3 months, after which he’ll be doing performances in support of his various projects.


What event in the Annapolis area are you most looking forward to in 2006?

Powerboat Show
Sailboat Show
Renaissance Festival
Seafood Festival
County Fair

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Last time we asked, "How many past issues of Inside Annapolis Magazine do you have? " Out of all the responses, we found that most of our readers keep at least 3 issues of Inside Annapolis Magazine around the house, but a couple of our readers have over several years of issues! We're glad to hear that so many of you stay with us!

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